Talent Catalyst Corp.

Talent Catalyst Corporation is a trusted leader in professional development. We enable individuals and organizations to thrive in today's dynamic and competitive landscape.

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Will 4-day work weeks hurt workplace culture?

Survey finds 2 in 3 workers willing to sacrifice work socials, colleague relationships in favour of fewer days

14 June 2023

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What are the top workplace buzzwords?

Survey finds many workers feel disadvantaged if they don't know the 'jargon'

16 April 2023

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How to embrace and manage generational differences in the workforce

Having different generations represented in the workplace allows for teams to tap into a wealth of unique perspectives

15 February 2023

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'Fake it till you make it': HR's role in stamping out imposter syndrome

'The first step is to acknowledge that imposter syndrome is real'

17 December 2022

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Only 4% of employers rated 'equitable' for gender, race: report

'Equity Xray' analyses millions of Glassdoor reviews to assess employee experience

1 November 2022

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How can HR address the issue of ageism in the workplace?

Older workers are 50% more likely to take over a year to secure a new position

2 September 2022

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